What We Do

Insurance Fraud

Llorente SIU designs, implements and manages custom, flexible and fully compliant SIU anti-fraud programs for the insurance industry. Our Contract SIU services include comprehensive, best in class certified anti-fraud training and education. We provide state-of-the-art analytic technology for early identification and detection of red flag suspect activity in addition to on-site compliance audits and efficiency evaluations of current SIU programs.

Other Contract SIU services provided by Llorente SIU include:

  • Detailed audit and trending analysis reports for all internal and external investigative activities
  • Best practice guidelines and oversight of all outsourced vendors including field investigators
  • Cradle-to-grave handling of all SIU referrals
  • Certified anti-fraud awareness and basic claims investigation training to other industry groups
  • Anti-fraud training for insurance agents, brokers, attorneys and employers
  • On-going research and data analysis for industry best practices and fraud trends
  • In-depth analysis and investigation of suspect medical provider activity
  • In-depth analysis and investigation of premium fraud and abuse

We have a predictive, efficient, thorough, flexible, objective, allocatable, and success-driven process for identifying suspect activity. Llorente SIU has a superior track record in the development of investigation reports that are forwarded to law enforcement leading to a very high percentage of successful fraud prosecutions.