We cover all 50 US States.
We handle all lines of insurance, with a specialty in Property & Casualty lines.
No. This is an important distinction from our competitors. Our services are completely free from any potential conflict of interest. We never have one area of our organization (contract SIU personnel) referring cases to another area of our organization (surveillance or field work personnel). There is never any question that we have the client's best interest as our top and only priority since we are being paid to provide SIU management and oversight - not field investigation. When we recommend that surveillance or field work be conducted on a file, it is because there is a genuine need for that field work... not because we are trying to reach any revenue or referral goal within our organization.
Yes. Because we are not competing with your panel of investigators, we are in a much better position to work with them, as well as to manage, direct and critique their work. This results in a much higher quality, cost-efficient process... with better accountability and transparency for the client.
Yes. During our decades of industry experience, we have become very familiar with the work product of most of the private investigators that provide insurance-defense related field work. We know who to use, and in what areas a particular provider is best suited. We know what services should cost... and how that cost structure should be established. We ensure that all vendor panel members are properly licensed and insured, and that all appropriate indemnification agreements are in place. Most importantly, we are experienced at establishing and implementing quality control standards and best practices for private investigators - all of which are completely free from any sort of conflict of interest. We have one of the industry's best track records of improving efficiency and reducing costs associated with investigation vendor panels.
Yes. We have various service offerings for an in-house SIU. The services that would be most beneficial to any particular organization depend on how that in-house unit is structured and its primary operational objectives. Some in-house SIU's use us for vendor panel consultation and management. Other in-house SIU's use us for overflow or case-by-case consultation and packaging. We also handle internal SIU performance and compliance audits to ensure that the in-house SIU is maximizing their use of best practices. The Llorente data mining and analytics platform is also a valuable tool used by in-house units to maximize their resources and effectiveness.
The answer will depend on the specific situation. If you want us to be responsible for compliance with all applicable state anti-fraud regulations and legislation, then yes - a Llorente SIU Contract is required (and is, in fact, mandated by regulation is some states). If you want to retain responsibility for anti-fraud compliance... and use our services for consultation and support only... then the only contract required is our Standard Services Agreement, which simply outlines our basic business terms.
Call 800-371-3171... and ask to speak with one of our Program Managers. Or, if you prefer, you can send us an email at Programs@LlorenteSIU.com. Our staff will take care of any required paperwork and provide you any additional information or resources requested.